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Short Burst: Some Stuff To Check Out

Hey everybody,

We haven't posted anything on here in a while. Forgive us, we've been busy. However, in our absence some cool stuff has been pilling up, so we've decided to recommend you several things at once.

Reigns (iOS/Steam Game) 

This is a choose your own adventure game for your phone (and PC), that basically works the same way as Tinder does. Yes, that's a thing, and yes it's awesome. You play as a series of kings, making binary decisions, in order to break some sort of satanic curse, I guess. I'm not sure I really understand what's going on, but it's awesome regardless. Check out the trailer below.

De La Soul - "and the Anonymous Nobody..." (Album)

De La Soul is back with their first proper album in 13 years. Given the status of their first few albums it doesn't feel right to call this their best album, but it's definitely my favorite of theirs. Check it out.

The New York Times Popcast: The Return Of New York Rap (Podcast Episode)

The most current episode of the Popcast, the music podcast by the New York Times. It's an interesting conversation about the current resurgence of New York rap music, and about how it has been heavily influenced by music from the islands. Check it out here.

One Love,

Marius | 1520

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