Hey Young World,

This is the October 2023 edition of 1520’s Record Report, our series of monthly articles in which we recommend things we’re currently into.

We’ve picked the name Record Report in honor of Hip Hop magazine The Source, which’s album review section went under that name and, when we were growing up, told us what was worth copping and what wasn’t. In our own small way, we hope to do the same.

Living Single (TV Show)

Those that have been following us for a while know that we like to binge-watch old TV shows. The one we’re watching currently is Living Single, a sitcom about six Black friends who share personal and professional experiences while living in a Brooklyn brownstone, starring the legendary Queen Latifah and the always-funny Kim Fields. The show, which is widely believed to have inspired the more universally known (but, according to some, inferior) sitcom Friends, is a true delight, and as funny and relevant as it ever was, which can also be gleamed from the fact that clips of it still go viral in TikTok regularly. Oh and the theme song is ill too.


Amos Oz - A Tale Of LoveA and Darkness (bOok)

A Tale of Love & Darkness is a touching, at times deeply sad, but also often funny memoir. It’s as much Amos Oz’s coming-of-age story as it is Israel’s. Given current events, there are few books that deserve recommending as much as this one.


Starfield (Video Game)

When Fallout 4 came out, we enjoyed it a lot, but we were also frustrated by Bethesda apparent unwillingness to truly modernise their engine or games. Now, we embrace their stubbornness. We can’t help but love the Xbox 360 vibes. Nostalgia is a powerful drug. If you too have great memories of Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim, definitely pick this one up. If not, maybe try it via GamePass first.


One Love,

Marius | 1520
